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All Access Life Style

How do you define Life-Style?

Essentially, your life-style can be viewed as consisting of 3 parts:  Your Living conditions, your Behavior and your Habits.  Each of these 3 are determined by who you are inside. 

Your living conditions refer to what you surround yourself with within your immediate personal space. Ultimately what makes you feel good and Who makes you feel good. Anything from colors to scents. From flora to fauna. Writing to sound. What’s outside of your walls may not be within your control, however, what you do inside is up to you!

Behavior is yet another aspect of your Life-Style that blossoms from within. Based  on decades of research, science has revealed the indisputable connection between how you think you feel and how your body actually feels. So similarly to the you are what you eat analogy,  you are what you think you are. When you think you are happy, and you act in a happy manner, you will surely become happy. You decide what your Behavior style is, and you should style it! There are so many wonderful experiences in Life that we can embrace and borrow from to help us sculpt who we are. We all help each other, and we each have a separate and distinct life print. All Access to the plethora of ways of being is part of this journey.

The third aspect is Habits.

Here we literally are what we eat, and literally also here, knowledge is power..

So many things to eat. Colors, materials to wear. Things to say to each other. Coffee or tea? Wine or water? Our habits determine how we feel, what we become experts at,  and how our bodies appear. What we repeat over and over again  to ourselves determines how we think, and who and what is attracted to us. How often we ingest the same thing can wear us down physically,  just as much as how often we add variety can build and develop our body and mind. It all begins inside of us. Having All Access to the habits that align with you, that special you, is what we make available for you.

All Access Life-Style 

The journey is a constant uncovering of who you are, and what that special you is looking like all along the way.



This is a Winter rose. It blooms during the winter. Really amazing to me that life can grow during such cold temperatures. In spite of everything, it is doing what it is here to do.

Here’s a simple exercise for you to engage in when you awaken, so that you might be aware of you creating things in your life:

When you wake up. Close your eyes. Visualize 3 things that you want to accomplish during the day. See yourself doing them, with joy! Take 3 deep breaths. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Open your eyes.

Enjoy your day.


Have you thought about what surrounds you everyday?

What do you look at?

Have you considered how your everyday impacts your life?

What is your style?

Style is a very personal way of being.

It’s what your life looks like.

Do you take the time, everyday, to style your environment so that it makes you feel good?

Go ahead. Do something small. Everyday.

It all adds up to your beautiful personal picture.

Create your masterpiece!